
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sales Efficiency - a systematic approach to sales growth

Discover the Shocking Truth About What Keeps Sales Teams Thriving By: Jeroen Minnee and Angelique Toorians, published 12 November 2023/updated 13 January 2024 Sales efficiency & growth is essential for any company’s existence. So the main question is how do you drive your sales efficiency and growth? How do we bring the sales system together with our salespeople? Is sales efficiency necessary? Or are just a few tweaks enough? Both people and systems are important to be able to grow sustainably as a company. What can you do yourself to make sure that your salespeople are happy and can focus on closing deals which leads to a higher sales efficiency. Do your systems support your salespeople? Or do they create frustration and irritation? Let's first look at the 50/50 rule of Sales Efficiency and Growth. What can you do right now for and with your sales team without having to invest right now a lot of time and money in new sales efficiency systems? After that we go deeper into the...