
Showing posts with the label Digital Transformation

How to tackle digital transformation? A roadmap for change and optimisation of business systems

Door: Angelique Toorians en Jeroen Minnee, 2 February 2024 Introduction Managing business systems is no longer just an operational necessity, it is the core of a successful business. Without a clear picture and understanding of business processes, sustainable operations become very difficult. If your systems are outdated, digital transformation may be necessary. This not only requires advanced technologies, but the mindset of everyone in the company will have to be focused on continuous improvements, and a high level of adaptability is essential. As an organisation, how can you effectively manage your business systems while maximising the transformative power of the digital opportunities? This introductory exploration offers an in-depth analysis of the key principles and tools needed to not only manage but also optimise your systems for faster, more effective change. But most importantly, how you can engage and bring your employees along on your path of digital transformation. Switchin...