Maximise your projects with up-to-date status reports and an ideal workflow
By: Angelique Toorians, 8 August 2023 From experience, we know that in the past it was not always easy to have up-to-date information available and the workflow of work processes between different parts of a company did not always run smoothly. Different systems. Different workplaces. It was not as simple as we would have liked it to be. This is why we created Spire Essentials. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that integrates and automates the various work processes within an organisation and allows everyone to work with the same information. Perhaps the most important thing about Spire Essentials is that any status update is immediately available to anyone working within the Spire System and is dependable on this information. What is a status update? A status update is a change in the status of, for example, orders, procurement, warehousing, production, tasks, customer requests or other business-related components. It is essential that all stakeholders are always aware of ...