Maximise your projects with up-to-date status reports and an ideal workflow

By: Angelique Toorians, 8 August 2023

From experience, we know that in the past it was not always easy to have up-to-date information available and the workflow of work processes between different parts of a company did not always run smoothly. Different systems. Different workplaces. It was not as simple as we would have liked it to be.

This is why we created Spire Essentials. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that integrates and automates the various work processes within an organisation and allows everyone to work with the same information.

Perhaps the most important thing about Spire Essentials is that any status update is immediately available to anyone working within the Spire System and is dependable on this information.

What is a status update?

A status update is a change in the status of, for example, orders, procurement, warehousing, production, tasks, customer requests or other business-related components.

It is essential that all stakeholders are always aware of the current status of all components of a project.

How does Spire Essentials work?

Spire Essentials is a well-integrated ERP system and has a vital role in processing status updates and the planning within your company. With Spire Essentials and the additional Building Blocks and Customisation, we develop, together with you, your own Private Cloud Platform. This system is fully tailored to your wishes, needs and business processes. We build tools and modules related to finance/administration, warehouse management, production, human resources (HR) and customer relationship management (CRM), among others.

The purpose of Spire Essentials

The main objectives of our system are:
- increasing the efficiency of your work processes;
- optimising the accuracy of all data; and
- improving interdepartmental cooperation.

Spire Essentials System

Some ways Spire Essentials can help manage status updates and workflows:

Real-time information - Spire Essentials provides real-time information and updates on a range of business processes. This means that when a status changes, all parties involved are notified immediately. This prevents delays and miscommunication.

Workflows and automation - Workflows and automation are developed so that specific actions are triggered, when a certain status is reached. For example, when an order is shipped, the system will automatically update the stock, the invoice can be generated and the warehouse is informed.

Access control and authorisations - Access to data and processes is managed on a role-based basis. Only authorised employees have access to alter specific statuses. This is important for the security and integrity of data.

Reporting and analysis - You can compile data within the system and generate reports on status updates and their effects on various aspects in the company. This allows you to identify and implement trends, bottlenecks and possible areas requiring improvement.

Communication and cooperation - With Spire Essentials, communication and cooperation between different departments will improve. When a status changes, the relevant employees are automatically notified, making cooperation much easier.


A well-implemented ERP-system, such as Spire Essentials, supports the effective and efficient handling of status changes across business processes. When switching to a new business system, it is important to plan this carefully, choose the right ERP-software and ensure that the system is flexible and scalable so that adaptations or changes to your company's needs can be easily applied.

With Spire Essentials, you get all of this and more in-house immediately. Including 24/7 support from our professional support team, training and continuous updates to your own Spire Private Cloud Platform.

Are you curious about Spire Essentials? Then get in touch with us. You can also arrange a non-binding consultation with Serge Janssen Daalen, founder of Spiresolutions, or the Sales Team.

SpireSolutions - Digital Transformation Made Easy


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