Agile Management: What is it? And what do I use it for?

By: Angelique Toorians, 8 August  2023

Is Agile Management just another new fancy term to replace something that has been going on for a long time? Or is it something new? What exactly is Agile Management? And why should you start working Agile as a company? If so,  how do you implement Agile Management?

What is Agile Management?

Agile means flexibility, adaptability. Agile Management involves an iterative and collaborative approach to managing projects, teams and organisations. Agile Management focuses on adaptability, collaborations both with the customer and both within and between teams, and the continuous implementation of improvements.

How does Agile Management exactly work?

In Agile Management, projects are divided into small, manageable incremental parts or segments. A multifunctional team works together at every segment in order to deliver a functional product. The team collaborates intensively, shares responsibilities and makes collective decisions to realise the goals of a project.

Why adopt Agile Management in your business?

  1. Flexibility and adaptability - With Agile, you ensure that projects are and remain flexible. In any project, you face uncertainties and changes. With Agile Management, your staff and teams will be able to respond and act faster when changes occur due to changing requirements, priorities or market conditions. With Agile Management, you will be able to evolve with the changes and there is less risk of stagnation due to outdated plans or requirements.
  2. Customer-focused - The customer is at the centre of Agile Management. The customer is directly involved in every step of the project. In which it is essential that you are in continuous contact with the customer. The customer's project team and your company regularly consult each other to ensure that there is a constant alignment between the customer and your company. There is a deeper understanding about the product and the customer is always up to date. Which will increase the level of customer satisfaction quickly and significantly.
  3. Faster product delivery - In Agile Management, things are done with small, manageable and consecutive steps in which workable products and services can be delivered faster and ultimately with a good functioning end product.
  4. Improved communication and cooperation - Agile Management promotes transparency, open communication and cooperation between team members and the customer. Through regular consultation, everyone knows what the vision, goals and priorities of the moment are. It reduces misunderstandings, promotes a shared understanding of goals and expectations and creates a culture of trust and synergy.
  5. Increased quality - Another principle of Agile Management is continuous improvement. Working in a recurring cyclical process of planning, execution, feedback and adjustments ensures that any problems or defects are detected and addressed early on. Because of constant consultations, asking for feedback and working incrementally, the quality will improve using an Agile Management approach.


Implementing Agile Management requires commitment, change in mindset and an agile working environment. It is essential to carefully weigh the benefits and challenges of Agile before making a choice.

Read more about Agile Thinking (part of Agile Management) in this article.

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