Ridiculous: your company is having to conform to your software system

Benefits of Private Cloud Platform vs Cloud Platforms

By: Angelique Toorians, 23 August 2023

In the ever-evolving world of business technologies, adapting your business to a new software system is often quite challenging. The need to restructure operational processes and train staff can sometimes feel like a heavy burden. However, in this era where flexibility and efficiency are crucial, this transition can open the door to unexpected opportunities and improvements.

In the drive for progress, Spire has developed an advanced Software System that enables companies to create and manage their own Private Cloud Platform. This strategic choice is driven by the belief that Private Cloud Platforms offer unique advantages over (semi)public Cloud Platforms. In this article, we will elaborate on the reasons behind this choice and the associated benefits. Whether you opt for an established Cloud infrastructure or focus yourself on a more private approach, the insights that follow will help you to form an educated decision in line with the objectives of your business.

What is a Cloud Platform?

With a Cloud Platform, also called a public or public Cloud Platform, external Cloud Service Providers provide the software infrastructure and services. Examples include: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and others. These providers run data centres around the world in which they offer computing power, storage and services to users on a pay-as-you-go model. As a user, you can purchase resources such as virtual machines, storage space, databases, network services and then manage these via an internet connection. Public Cloud Platforms offer scalability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness because, as a user, you only pay for what you actually use.

What is a Private Cloud Platform?

A Private Cloud Platform refers to a Cloud Infrastructure and Service created exclusively for one organisation. With a Private Cloud Platform, a company manages its own data centre and/or leased infrastructure either itself or through a provider. This involves applying Cloud Technologies such as virtualisation, automation and self-service to make resources available to various departments or teams within an organisation. The main purpose of a Private Cloud is to provide the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability and flexibility, while as an organisation you have full control over the infrastructure and security.

Benefits of a Private Cloud Platform

These are some of the advantages of a Private Cloud Platform:

  1. Security - With a Private Cloud Platform, you have control over data storage, -processing and -management. This is especially important when sensitive data needs to be protected. With the Spire System, you get to operate a fully secure system including firewall configurations, encryption and access controls. This is especially important for sectors dealing with strict legal and industry compliance requirements.
  2. Adaptable to specific requirements - With a Private Cloud, you can fine-tune the infrastructure and resources to your specific needs and requirements. With Spire's Building Blocks, Packages, Extensions and Customisation, workflows will be optimised by using various applications and tools.
  3. Improved performance monitoring - As an organisation, a Private Cloud allows you to have more insight, overview and control over resource performances. You will be able to make decisions and predictions based on actual data. You can allocate resources based on the demands of actual workloads and prevent shared resources belonging to other users from impacting the performance.
  4. Predictable cost structure in the long term - Although the initial investment to develop and build a Private Cloud Platform is generally higher than using public Cloud Services, the long-term costs are both more predictable and clearer as the infrastructure is already in place and implemented. You know exactly what you are getting into!
  5. Real-time data - With a Private Cloud Platform, you have real-time data. With any other public Cloud Platforms, this is often not the case. In public Cloud Platforms, synchronisation often happens in intervals and not in real-time. With your own Spire Private Cloud Platform, you are assured of one dataset that is synchronised 24/7.


The decision to manage your system in a Cloud Platform or Private Cloud Platform depends on your company's needs and requirements, but security requirements, budget, scalability and control all play an important role in the process.

For example, some organisations take a hybrid approach where they opt for a combination of public cloud resources and a Private Cloud Platform. You can read more about the different options in this article.


We at Spiresolutions work with SaaS (Software as a Service). With our robust, scalable and secure Spire System, we offer excellent service, taking care of continuous updates and maintenance of our software systems, including your Private Cloud Platform. We continuously maintain and develop this platform in the Cloud.

Not sure yet what you want for your business? Do you still have questions? Contact us or arrange a no-strings-attached consultation with Serge Janssen Daalen, founder of Spiresolutions. Together, we will come up with the best solution for your business.

SpireSolutions - Digital Transformation Made Easy


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