Sand in the wheels: Nothing is more frustrating than jammed systems and business processes!

Take control of your transformation and tackle it in a structured way!

By: Serge Janssen Daalen, 14 August 2023

Nothing is more frustrating than jammed business systems and processes. Is your software outdated or do you work with multiple systems and Excel spreadsheets, and does the planning or workflow regularly get stuck? In that case, it is time to switch to a future-proof software system.

What problems arise with obsolete systems? What does a modern system provide and how do you approach the transformation in a structured way?

Problems of obsolete systems

What kind of problems emerge when your systems do not function correctly, are incomplete or no longer function as they should? For instance:

  • Inefficient planning;

  • No insight and overview whether the right items have been ordered;

  • Unclear status of the back-order process;

  • Missing revenue for work which was never invoiced;

  • Financial issues;

  • Disgruntled employees.

What does a high-quality ERP system offer?
Our Spire System is built for reliable scheduling. In fact, the Spire advanced planning and scheduling tools offer guarantees of:

  • Streamlined processes; 

  • Precise data;

  • One dataset;

  • Risk management;

  • Insight, overview and financial control.

Transformation with Spire Solutions

At Spire, we will work together with you. We tackle your transformation in a structured way (Agile). We start with an advisory meeting to broadly discuss your problems, wishes and needs. During these talks, we go into more detail about the possibilities available with Spire Essentials.

The sole purpose of our cooperation is to optimise and automate your business processes and realise the transformation within your company, so that you can continue to grow as a company while having a pleasant working atmosphere.

Transformation process

Broadly the transformation process is divided into 4 phases:

Phase 1: Setup
In the setup phase, the Basic System (Spire Essentials) is developed using Software Features that come as a standard, this includes:
  • CRM

  • HRM

  • Plan Board

  • Bookkeeping

  • My Task App

  • Company Facebook 

  • Team Chat

  • Secure Login

A project team consisting of our CTO, a Solutions Architect, a UI/UX Designer and key employees from your company will collectively research and analyse your problems in-depth. Together, they will design your Spire Private Cloud Platform in several phases.

Phase 2 - Designing
In the design phase, the project team starts working on the mapping and analysis of your business processes and systems. Arrangements are made about the end results, the deliverable system and the planning.

Phase 3 - Implementation

In the Implementation Phase, your Spire Essentials System and the ordered Software Features and bespoke features are built into a Master Design, your own Spire Private Cloud Platform. The modules and tools are progressively implemented into the Master Design and your employees will test the modules in the Playground. Training videos are delivered with each module via Plug & Play, enabling your employees to easily understand and work with the system.

Further development
The Spire System is a SaaS (Service as a Service) and we ensure that your own Spire Platform is available in real time 24/7, by all employees, anywhere, anytime.

Spire naturally offers 24/7 ongoing support and we will continue to develop your Spire Private Cloud Platform together with you and, if required, your system will be further extended, adapted and improved.

Agile Management System

We believe in Agile Management and Thinking. Our Spire Essentials System is built on the principles of Agile Management. Efficient, scalable and robust and you play a crucial role, we develop and build the Spire System together with you.

Curious about how Spiresolutions offers a structured approach to the IT transformation process? No problem. Contact us now or book a free consultation with me, Serge Janssen Daalen, founder of Spiresolutions. We are happy to work alongside you.

SpireSolutions - Digital Transformation Made Easy


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