Disastrous Inefficiency: Departments drown in procedural chaos & systems

How do you solve these problems in a straightforward way?

By: Angelique Toorians, 30 August 2023

Wouldn't it be great if your Sales Manager could effortlessly generate quotations by simply entering a few parameters into a system and from that, an accurate calculation for a proposal automatically appears? A proposal based on up-to-date data.

No more back-and-forth visits to the production department. Or work being duplicated and procedures running alongside, or jumbled up, as a result of using different systems. These types of problems inevitably lead to inefficiency, confusion, delays in work processes and, most likely, dissatisfied and frustrated employees, and, of course, higher costs.

How do you solve this and how can Spire Solutions help you?

Problems due to unclear procedures and different systems

Lack of alignment - If different departments follow different procedures and work processes, this undoubtedly creates inconsistency and confusion in cooperation and coordination. For example, transferring work from one department to another is messy and the transfer of information is incomplete or unclear because it is not clear who is responsible and which information the other needs. Or information is already outdated. The risk of errors and therefore extra costs and time is huge.

Parallel workflows - Often, departments are working parallel to each other without being aware of the other department's progress. Who is doing what? What is the planning? It causes confusion and, above all, an overlap and possible duplication of work. Which means inefficient workflows!

Incompatibility between different systems - If departments are working with different software and systems, which subsequently do not connect or do not connect well, sharing and integrating information will almost automatically lead to errors and ineffectiveness.

Data Fragmentation - When information is spread across multiple systems, it creates an incomplete and inaccurate picture of the current state of the business. How do you know what to do when accurate information is not available or when different departments are working with different data? Maybe you think all of you are working with the same information, but maybe you are not at all? That's not useful!


Implementing one software system - The most logical solution is to implement one software system. With one software system, all departments use the same data and all procedures are incorporated into the system via the use of logical workflows. Data exchange between departments is automated and takes place in real time. Tasks are assigned to teams and/or employees and can be monitored by all parties involved.

Result: incompatibility between different systems disappears. All information is up-to-date and automatically updated when there is a (status) change anywhere in your company.

Training and awareness - It is important that employees understand the new system and can use it properly. With training and awareness, there will be less resistance to change. Include and involve your employees directly in the change process.

IT-support - A strong IT support structure is essential. In case of any technical problems, these can be solved quickly and you can rely on the continuity of your work processes.

Spire solutions

We at Spire Solutions have spent the last few years developing our Spire Essentials System. Our Private Cloud System is a robust, scalable and flexible system based on Software as a Service (Saas). We develop and build your Private Cloud Platform in close collaboration with you. You are the source! The strength of Spire Essentials is that it is expandable and adaptable to your needs, requirements and work processes.

We provide 24/7 IT support and ensure that your platform is always and everywhere accessible to all employees involved and that your platform is continuously up-to-date and secure. We provide training videos when implementing new applications and tools. Inefficiency is a thing of the past with Spire Essentials.

Curious? We at Spiresolutions would love to help you. Contact us without any obligations and together we will see how we can be of service to you.

SpireSolutions - Digital Transformation Made Easy


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