Never needing an accountant again with AI. Smart Entrepreneurs Embrace QuickBooks - Discover Why!
By: Serge Janssen Daalen, 28 August 2023 Recently, I was asked why Spire Solutions switched from Exact Online to QuickBooks and how it may or may not fit into the Dutch market specifically. For me, this is partly a conscience question, because we are very satisfied with using QBO with Spire Group, but as with everything, there are pros and cons. Popularity QuickBooks QuickBooks (QBO) is being used by over 5 million companies worldwide, and you can indeed call QBO popular. QBO is at this point not yet integrated with the Dutch Inland Revenue for OB and Vp tax returns, and since the labels are not in Dutch (but English), it still offers significant advantages for companies regardless of their location. Points to consider Speed and ease of use - We experience QuickBooks as a "breath of fresh air in terms of speed, clarity and ease of use". This is a huge advantage. The efficiency and ease -also thanks to AI, in the daily use of the accounting software is an important factor in ...